There are those, associated with political, religious, corporate or military organizations, who proclaim the need for oneness of purpose and goals. The resulting hierarchical structures of leadership and control can be efficient and productive – but run the risk of degenerating into authoritarian domination systems that violate the foundational ethical principle known as the Golden Rule.
There are those who seek to experience oneness by becoming absorbed in blissful states of deep meditation, aesthetic contemplation, or erotic union. The resultant states of oneness can be supremely satisfying and inspire creative expression – but run the risk of degenerating into detached and superior attitudes that fail to adequately engage the physical and social realities of our world.
I prefer to go with those who follow the path of inclusive wholeness, accepting of the diversity and multiplicity of their own being, and all other beings they encounter, human and non-human; as well as the diversity of communities and cultures and worlds. Such a one would be practicing respectful balanced interchange of giving and receiving in relationship to all other beings and with the Macrocosmic Creator Source Oneness.
Sonoma, Feb 2009